How to increase Cardiovascular Fitness this are given in below

At-Home Cardio Workouts | At-Home Workouts for Cyclists

        Cardiovascular fitness, aerobic capacity and endurance are all terms used to describe the body's ability to sustain exercise over a period of time. Exercise designed to increase cardiovascular fitness is often termed 'aerobic exercise' as sustained exercise uses the aerobic pathways of oxidative phosphorylation for energy supply and training adaptations result in a more efficient aerobic energy pathway. Such exercise generally 
targets large muscle groups and aims to overload the cardiovascular system, thus increasing heart rate and respiratory rate during exercise.
must be delivered to the lungs by adequate ventilation,
 and thenmust pass into the blood at the alveolar level.

An individual's cardiovascular fitness is dependent on a number of factors, which combine to form the oxygen uptake chain. Oxygen
 The circulatory system carries the
 oxygenated blood to the working muscle where
 the oxygen is taken up by the mitochondria 

The physiological training adaptations that take place following aerobic training can be divided into local adaptations, seen in the muscles used during the training exercises, and systemic adaptations. These physiological adaptations are seen approximately 6 weeks into a training programme. Performance in exercise tests may improve before physiological adaptations are detectable, and this may be due to other factors such as improved skill in task performance and increased confidence during exercise.
Exercise to Increase Cardiovascular Fit

Local training adaptations
Local adaptations occur in trained skeletal muscles which enable Ihem to uptake and utilize oxygen more efficiently. These adaptations are as follows.
1\11 increase in the number and size of capillaries within the trained Illuscle, providing a greater surface area for delivery of oxygen and removal of waste products by the blood.


An increase in both the size and number of mitochondria in all skeletal muscle fibre types within the trained muscle. This increase in mitochondrial material also results in a doubl ing of the oxidative enzymes, thus increasing the capacity to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP) using the aerobic pathways.


An increase in lipolysis, resulting in a greater use of fatty acid Illl energy supply.
Muscle fibre type
There is some evidence to suggest that aerobic training leads to COI1version from type 2 to type 1 muscle fibres.

Selective hypertrophy of the type 1 fibres occurs, resulting in a greater surface area of slow-twitch fibres.

Systemic training adaptations increase the body's ability to deliver oxygen to the exercising muscle. These adaptations are as follows.

The left ventricle increases in size and thickness. This results in greater end-diastolic volume and stroke volume. The increase in stroke volume leads to a decrease in resting heart rate and heart rate du ri ng sub-maxi mal exercise.

Plasma volume

An increase in plasma volume leads to a greater circulatOlY reserve. This allows blood to be redistributed for increased delivery to exercising muscle and temperature regulation.

Adecrease in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure is seen in both normotensive and hypertensive subjects at rest and during exercise.

When designing an exercise programme to increase cardiovascular fitness the following principles should be considered,
Energy source The exercise duration should be long enough for the aerobic pathways to become the main source of energy production, which occurs after approximately 5 minutes of exercise.
Rhythmical Cardiovascular exercises rhythmical in nature.
use large muscle groups are often
Specificity Although cardiovascular training has systemic effects that contribute to an overall increase in exercise capacity, it is also muscle-and taskspecific. Therefore the exercises should be designed with individual patient goals in mind,
Range of exercises For the greatest training effect both upper and lower limb activities should be included in the programme of exercise. If using a variety of eKercises it is desirable to alternate the emphasis 011 particular muscle groups when sequencing the exercises to avoid local muscle fatigue; for example adding a 'lhrowing and catching' exercise in between 'sit to stand' and 'stair climbing' allows the quadriceps to recover. The exercise programme may be one continuous activity, such as jogging, or comprise a combination of eKercises such as 

circuit training.

Intensity level When designing a circuit, care should be taken to ensure that the heart rate is maintained within the required parameters for training during all activities, although there may be a combination of high-and lowerintensity activity throughout the circuit. Using a range of exercises at different training intensities allows recovery periods in between bursts of higher-intensity activity. i\ baseline level of aClivily should be maintained to prevent rapid decreases in heart rate (see Cool down).


 Belore prescribing a cardiovascular exercise programme the person's cardiovascular system should he assessed and safe limits of CKcrcise clearly set. Healthy individuals can exercise within the normal guidelines, but individuals with respiratory, cardiac or circulatory disorders could become severely compromised by the stress placed on their cardiovascular system, and they should be carefully assessed
Exercise to Increase Cardiovascular Fitness
 specific levels of activity applied. It is good practice to monitor Ihe heart rate during the exercises whilst under supervision of the physiotherapist to check for any unexpected response to exercise, before instructing the person to carry out the exercises in an 


environment. Activities that include a jumping, running or bouncing component are classed as high impact and will be of higher intensity. There is an increased risk of injUly with high-impact exercise and it may not be appropriate for some people, in which case the activity should be modified to remove the jump component.


A warm up and cool down should always be incorporated into a cardiovascular training routine.

Warm up

A warm up may comprise exercises that are included in the exercise programme ilself, bUl should starl at a low intensity and gradually build up to the required training intensity over a period of 10 minutes. This is to allow a gradual redistribution of blood to the exercising
muscles, in particular the cardiac muscle.

Cool down

A period of around 10 minutes, during which the intensity of exercise is gradually reduced, is important immediately following exercise. This cool-down period maintains muscle contraction of the exercised musrlfs, which aids the redistrihution of hlood after exercise and prevents blood pooling in the peripheralmuscIes, which can lead to fainting.
Therefore the main purpose of the warm up and cool down is the gradual change in heart rate and the redistribution of blood. Warm up is often seen as essential for injury prevention, and then:: is some evidence in the literature to suggest that warm muscles are less vulnerable to injury as they have increased extensibility.
Stretching is often incorporated into the warm up and cool down; however stretching before exercise can reduce performance and has little effc'ct on injury (Stone 2006).

Aerobic dance

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